Home of Dr. Sultan Aszazin

Home of Okkult Treasury - Independent Audiovisual Music Publishing -

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This site is labeled as Anti-Breakcore
We don't like your "n'importe quoi!", damn Fagot fArt-Intellectualszz

This site supports Straight Crap and Evil Trash
.·. Fire Witches don't think, They just Let Burn! .·.

"Hiding information is a Crime!" says the Sultan
"no matter wether it is state information, bussiness information, source codes or whatever!"
Software piracy and Hakking don't exists!" Aszazin states,
"Laws forbidding this are plain governmental mafia Inventions that should be Sabotaged!"
"No Mercy with them, Stealing Software and Breaking into Systems is an act of Humanity,
Reverse engineering and Ignoring Copyright Laws are the highest Form of Art,
the world is not a possession of states and countries!!"

"I never agreed with any laws that were stated,
So PhoKK OFV! SKuM of The EaRTH!"
"And STaY aWaY FRoM My Neighbourhoud,
Or I'll PaY YoU Bakk with your own invented Weaponry!"

All content oN this SiTe is public DoMain, but May not be traded for
Money or other possesions in any way!
This includes Entrance fees!

You may contact Dr. Sultan Aszazin if you want to obtain an Exception!


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No More Fokking PoP-Ups while Surfing!

FireFox: Wired, Internet Explorer: Expired